Animation: our 2022 results highlights

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9 February 2023

Animation: our 2022 results highlights

09 FEBRUARY 2023

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09 February 2023


BAT's 2022 Full-Year Results demonstrate how we are continuing to accelerate our A Better Tomorrow™ transformation at speed.


The preliminary results, published today, show that Group revenue was up 2.3%* for the year ended 31 December 2022, with adjusted profit from operations rising by 4.3%*.


In 2022, New Categories revenue grew by 37%*, while we added a further 4.2 million consumers of our non-combustible product consumers to reach 22.5m. Non-combustible products now make up 14.8% of Group revenue.


Driven by strong New Category momentum, we are confident in reaching our £5bn revenue target by 2025, and now expect New Category profitability in 2024, one year ahead of plan.


In his Chief Executive’s statement, Jack Bowles said: “In 2022, the business demonstrated once again that we are transforming BAT while delivering strong results.

"Our results show that our strategy is working. We have strong, global New Category brands, targeted geographic expansion plans and an unwavering commitment to innovation that ensures we are delivering for the consumer.”


Our animation above runs through some of the highlights of our 2022 results.

* At constant rates of exchange